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Cathy O'Brien describes her sexual
assault perpetrated by Hillary
Clinton in the book,
assault perpetrated by Hillary
Clinton in the book,
Trance Formation of America
Cathy's Assault by Hillary

Finders Report
(other evidence ~ note Clinton's dialog on the drug industry in the first few paragraphs & watch the Tatum interview below; Cathy also mentions "the mutilation," a satanic reference ~ read the Finders Report below)
Cathy's Assault by Hillary
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Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips on mind control
The "official apology" for MKULTRA
by none other than Bill Clinton
by none other than Bill Clinton
President's Advisory Committee
on Human Radiation Experimentation ~
March, 1995 ~ the mind control survivors
on Human Radiation Experimentation ~
March, 1995 ~ the mind control survivors
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Note the satanic references in the underlined text with blood ritual, goat head, robes, and altar. This U.S. Customs Service criminal investigation report into the cult Finders demonstrates their satanic practices. The investigation was in 1987. When the CIA got involved, it became a CIA "internal matter." Why is the CIA involved with satanism?
see Finders Report below for the entire report
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Ted Gunderson, FBI(ret), interviewed CIA defector Chip Tatum in 1998 about, among other things, Bill Clinton's coke lines ~ Ted died of cancer on July 31, 2011.
full interview in whistleblowers section at right
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